Monday, December 7, 2009

Estonia Welcomes Handicapped

"'Welcome to Estonia' is our slogan," says the City of Tallinn spokeswoman Sirje Sõber, "and that goes for the crippled, too." The City of Tallinn under the leadership of Mayor Edgar Savisaar recently vowed to make the entire city handicapped accessible and have placed wheelchair ramps (see photo) on many staircases in the city. "This is a bold step," said Sõber, "and it just shows Estonians do not discriminate. To us, gimps' money is as good as any other kind."


  1. As a handicapped person I see the humor in your report but not in the city's wheelchair ramps. From your photograph the tracks appear to be too close together. This is dangerous!

  2. You morons, that's a pram track!

  3. Is not a pram track--it's universal. Doubles as a slide for my two kids.

  4. Can you imagine Savisaar giving a damn about the handicapped. But I guess than can e vote.
