Monday, February 8, 2010

Estonians Name Children After Security Codes

"This is Europe's newest trend," said Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, "and it was all Estonia's idea!" Eurostat data shows that ninety percent of Estonian mothers have registered their newborns' names following the first security code required for posting commentary on a website they encountered after birth.
"I've named my new baby Gughtwr," beamed an Estonian mother in the Pelgulinn Children's Hospital. "I think it's a beautiful name, and it's uniquely European." Evelin, the mother in the bed next to her had named her newborn Fwoamqd. "Some of the names with numbers are a bit harder to pronounce," said Evelin, "but they're beautiful, too."
Estonian Finance Minister Jürgen Ligi says he is not worried that numbers incorporated into a child's name will make use of the Estonian ID card more difficult. "We have the world's best programmers, and we'll find a way around it." Ligi himself recently named his newborn Cran9FtZigfot, which he said he found on the BBN site he regularly spams with English comments.
Jürgen Ligi's new baby, Cran9FTZigfot, pictured in its first week.

1 comment:

  1. all very funny, but this naming technique has been practiced in Iceland for 1100 years already. which proves Iceland invented the computer.
